Dear visitor,

We are still out of town, but hope to be back as soon as we can!

During the time we were away, we did more pondering and planning of our site and have reworked some parts of our concept. Moving forward, we would like to primarily be a photo club.

The goal continues to be to find something special in the little things of your everyday life, but the preferred medium has been narrowed down to photography. We chose this because capturing memories in photos brings us such a joy that we found ourselves most enthusiastic about sharing - and it can be as simple as taking casual snapshots with your phone camera.

We are also making our layout quite bare-bones for now, as we want to focus on finally bringing about our ideas to everyone who would still be interested ^^

We realize it is a bit of an abrupt shift after so long, and would be happy if our concept and goals continue to be something you will like to participate in! As mentioned in our first site iteration, no particular skill level would be required of members. More details would be shared later. Until then, take care!
